
Jeff’s Text to Curves

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Jeff’s Text to Curves

SKU: 47 Category:


This macro finds all text in your document and converts it to curves. Even inside Groups and Powerclips!

Also features a single Undo, so all text becomes live text again if you Undo.

This macro finds and converts all text at once (throughout an entire document if it’s multi-page). Much faster than manually selecting text, or using Corel’s find text function. Why?

  1. CorelDRAW’s built-in method only operates on a single page at a time.
  2. CorelDRAW doesn’t select text inside powerclips.
  3. CorelDRAW doesn’t select text that is grouped to shapes or bitmaps.

Many people like to group things, so breaking into numerous groups just to force text to curves is highly inconvenient, and this macro solves that.

Compatible with X3/X4/X5